His delegation will pay tribute to Ruy Barbosa, head of Brazil’s delegation to the Hague Peace Conference in 1907. Brazil will also showcase its culture and history with an event on 12 July, as 2022 marks the bicentennial of the country’s independence. Turning to other matters, he said the Council will also hold meetings on Colombia, children and armed conflict, Libya and Sudan. The month will also feature the regular monthly meeting on Yemen on 11 July, and a high-level open debate on strategic communications in peacekeeping operations on 12 July as the issue of communication with local communities on goals and operations is crucial to their success. On 7 July, a Council briefing will be followed by consultations on the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) - and he had his “fingers crossed” for the adoption of a renewal of humanitarian assistance to Syria, both cross-border and cross-line, as the current mandate one expires on 10 July. Turning to Syria, he noted that, on 10 July, the Council will hold consultations on the chemical weapons file on that country, while on 13 July, it will address the political and humanitarian aspects of the Syrian crisis - a busy day that will also include a meeting on troop- and police-contributing countries to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), discussions on the United Nations Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) in Yemen and the sanctions regime in Libya Because negotiations are ongoing, a precise date would depend on their evolution. Affirming that the issue of Ukraine is the most visible item on Council agenda today, he said a meeting will focused on food security, which impacts not only the region’s populations but the whole world. Brazil’s priorities also include incorporating a gender perspective as a cross-cutting issue throughout Brazil’s presidency and inviting civil society briefers into meetings whenever possible.Īmong the signature events, he cited the adoption of a presidential statement, the renewal of four peacekeeping or special political missions, renewal of two sanctions regimes and one authorization of humanitarian assistance.

He also said he would aim to foster greater cooperation between the Council and other bodies of the United Nations, especially the Peacebuilding Commission, as it can make a comprehensive contribution to discussions on renewal of peacekeeping and political missions. While journalists like open meetings for their transparency, he pointed out that closed sessions are more appropriate for delicate and challenging issues. Ronaldo Costa Filho (Brazil), holding the 15-nation Council’s rotating presidency for July, emphasized his delegation’s intention to establish a balance between open and closed meetings. During a “complex” month of July, the Security Council will focus on issues including the crises in Ukraine and Syria, as well as renewals of a raft of peacekeeping or special political missions and sanctions regimes, its President for the month told a United Nations Headquarters press conference today.